A a cup of cappuccino in


22-54 SEK

One hour taxi in


237-539 SEK

Restaurant tip in


10 %

Find and book flights

Search and explore different flight options for your trip with flygresor.se

Three reasons to buy currency before you travel


You don't have to look for ATMs and can devote yourself to your holiday instead.


You secure the exchange rate and do not have to worry about high mark-ups in the ATMs.


You almost always need more cash than you think abroad.

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Book tours and activities for the trip

We have started a collaboration with Get You Guide, which has a fantastic range of tours and activities around the world. Below you will find examples of the most popular experiences in Europe. Explore experiences all over the world.

FOREX Credit Card

Upp till 56 dagars räntefri kredit

Du har upp till 56 dagars betaltid på din månadsfaktura, så du hinner i lugn och ro gå igenom den innan du betalar.

Inget valutapåslag eller uttagsavgifter

Vid kortköp utomlands slipper du valutapåslag och uttagsavgifter utanför EU.

Kompletterande försäkringar

Du får bland annat allriskförsäkring vid köp av vitvaror, kompletterande reseförsäkring och leveransförsäkring vid internetköp.

Discover all the tips and tricks for your destination

Find your destination and check out all the tips and tricks, facts, experiences and other goodies we've collected.

Buy popular products for your trip

Check out all the products for the trip in our new shop

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Free shipping over 5000 SEK

Exchange currency for at least 5000 SEK and you get free shipping

Maximize your holiday - Exchange currency now

Make time for other things on holiday