South Korean Won (KRW)

Here you will find, among other things, the current exchange rate and historical development for South Korean Won (KRW) to Swedish Krona (SEK). Did you know that you can get delivery to the nearest post office and that there is free shipping when you buy currency over SEK 5,000 online?

Secure home delivery

Insured delivery to the nearest post office

Free shipping over 5 000 SEK

Exchange currency for at least 5 000 SEK and get free shipping

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KRW – the currency in South Korea

Are you traveling to South Korea and need South Korean Won (KRW)? At FOREX, you can easily buy KRW for your trip. We offer both online purchases and personal service in our stores.

When you buy KRW online, you can choose to have your currency delivered to the nearest postal agent or pick it up at any of our stores. Our goal is to make your South Korean Won order simple and hassle-free.

With the currency converter, you can calculate KRW to SEK and stay fully informed about the current exchange rate. The currency graph shows the historical development of South Korean Won against your local currency over time. You can choose a timeframe from 2012 up to today.

Rate Examples

Currency Rate 21OCT2024 9:00 AM
  • 1 KRW 0.008 SEK
  • 5 KRW 0.04 SEK
  • 10 KRW 0.09 SEK
  • 50 KRW 0.43 SEK
  • 100 KRW 0.86 SEK
  • 500 KRW 4.32 SEK
  • 1000 KRW 8.65 SEK
  • 1 SEK 115.61 KRW
  • 5 SEK 578.04 KRW
  • 10 SEK 1 156.07 KRW
  • 50 SEK 5 780.35 KRW
  • 100 SEK 11 560.71 KRW
  • 500 SEK 57 803.54 KRW
  • 1000 SEK 115 607.07 KRW

Possible denominations online

Banknotes - Won 10000, 50000

Countries with this currency

Here, you can see which countries have KRW as their primary and secondary currency.