The price in Saranda - Ksamil for a cup of


7-49 SEK

One hour

taxi ride

97-292 SEK

Nearest Airports to Saranda - Ksamil

Corfu International Airport (CFU), Greece (close by ferry to Saranda)

Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza (TIA)

Find flights to Saranda-Ksamil

Here you can easily search and explore different flight options for your trip.

A view from above of a hotel with a pool and a man swimming

Currency information

In Saranda - Ksamil you pay with Albanian lek (ALL). The means of payment accepted is cash.

Most used means of payment


Primary currency in Saranda - Ksamil
Alternative currency

Plan your trip to Saranda - Ksamil 

At FOREX, you can prepare and plan your trip to Saranda and Ksamil with services such as currency exchange, booking experiences and activities, as well as finding flights and travel insurance. This part of Albania is known for its magnificent nature, ancient ruins, and laid-back atmosphere. Saranda is a bustling town with a beautiful promenade, while Ksamil is famous for its idyllic islands and crystal-clear waters. 

Things to Do in Saranda - Ksamil 

Dive into crystal clear waters and discover the underwater world near the sun-kissed beaches, a perfect destination for summer adventures. Soak up the sun on some of the best beaches in Albania such as Pasqyra and Mirror Beach. Experience the local culture by tasting traditional Albanian dishes and exploring the small fishing villages in the area. For adventurers, the region offers excellent opportunities for hiking, diving and kayaking. The best way to get around is by local bus or by renting a car to explore the area's treasures at your own pace. 
We wish you a fantastic trip to Saradra - Ksamil with many joyful moments. Have a nice trip! 

Book experiences in Saranda-Ksamil

FOREX Index for Saranda-Ksamil

The FOREX Index compares average prices for middle-class or three-star hotels, restaurants and taxis, among others.

Vacation Index
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Cash Index
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promenade at among boats and buildings in Saranda

Time Zone: UTC+1

Average gratuity in


10 %

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