FOREX Bank successfully issues SEK [250] million of subordinated tier 2 bonds

Wednesday, January 25 2017

FOREX Bank Aktiebolag (publ) has issued its first capital market transaction of SEK 250 million SEK of subordinated Tier 2 bonds (SE: supplementärkapital) due 2027 with a first possible call date in January 2022. The bonds carry a floating rate coupon of 3 month Stibor + 5,65 percent per annum with a Stibor floor at zero percent. The bonds received strong interest from Nordic investors and the transaction will further strengthen the capital position of the bank.

FOREX Bank chair Mrs Beth Friberg: – The strengthened capital situation allows us to utilize our excess deposits, which makes it possible to expand our lending portfolio. Growing that business will in turn allow us to further enhance our overall customer proposition.

Carnegie Investment Bank AB acted financial councel and law firm Gernandt & Danielsson, acted legal counsel before and during the transaction.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Scherlund, CEO,, +46 72 7146057
Tom Friberg, Head of Communications,, +46 70 2013000